
Here you can find links to different events in Setomaa, which have more or less to do with food. The biggest of these is the Seto pop-up café days, but Seto food is present at all other key events of Setomaa, such as the Seto Kingdom Day, Seto Folk Festival and other major events. During Seto Kingdom Day, best masters of sõir (fresh pressed curd cheese), pie, bread, beer, wine and handsa (homemade rye spirits) are chosen.

During Tartu 2024 Cultural Capital Community Programme Seto Küük leads a project "A year with Seto pop-up-cafe days". During the project in 2024 we welcome visitors to community events in Setomaa - such as Butter week in March, Seto Easter in May and Seto pop-up-cafe days in August. Have a look, how you can participate in Butter Week events.

To be informed with all events happening in Setomaa, have a look on website that is created for visitors of Setomaa