If you want to taste the Seto cuisine, you have the following options:

  1. Come to Setomaa and visit the local cafés and restaurants.
  2. Come and take part in the Seto Kingdom Day or the Pop-up Café Days, where you have especially big variety of Seto cuisine.
  3. Make your own Seto food by using our collection of recipes.

As a start, look around at the webpage and read more about the features of the Seto cuisine. The little Seto-English cuisine dictionary might become handy when travelling in Setomaa and ordering food on your own.

The activities related to the Seto cuisine are coordinated by NGO Seto Küük (Seto Cuisine). If you have any questions, just contact us!

Enjoy the introduction to the Seto cuisine and hope the recipes work out well for you! And most of all, we are looking forward to meeting you in Setomaa, so that you can taste all these wonderful, yet simple, familiar and unfamiliar dishes on your won!

Bon appétit!